Glen or Glenda (1953)
- Duration: 01:11:00
- Year: 1953
- Rating: NR
- Cast: Bela Lugosi|Lyle Talbot|Timothy Farrell|Dolores Fuller|'Tommy' Haynes|Edward D. Wood Jr.|Charlie Crafts|Conrad Brooks|Henry Bederski|Carol Daugherty|'Captain' DeZita|Helen Miles|Shirley Speril|Amzie Strickland|Harry Thomas|William C. Thompson|'Mr. Walter' Hadjwiecyz|George Weiss|Evelyn Wood
- Genre: Drama, PNM|Classic
Trashy 1950's movie warning! Glen doesn't dare tell his fiance Barbara that he likes to wear women's clothes. This is an Ed Wood (Plan 9 from Outer Space) trashy classic!